Here's some of the latest market information from Snap Stats for several areas in the Fraser Valley. If you would like more details or have questions about an area not outlined below, contact us and we'd be happy to help & get you the infomation you need.
Most Active Price Band*: $300,000 to $400,000 with average 35% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Sellers Best Bet*: Selling homes in CedarHils, Fleetwood Tynehead, and 3 to 4 bedroom properties
Buyers Best Bet*: Homesbetween $900,000 to $1mil, PanoramaRidge, WestNewton, Whalley, and minimum 7 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*:$400,000 to $500,000 with average 24% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Selers Best Bet:* Seling homes in Fleetwood Tynehead, Panorama Ridge, Sulivan Station, and 3 bedroom properties
Buyers Best Bet:*Homes between $200,000 to $300,000, WestNewton, Whalley, and up to1bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band* (+ /- $1 m il): $700,000 to $800,000 (Sellers market) and $1 m ilto $1.25 mil(Balanced market)
Buyers Best Bet*(+/-$1mil): Homes $900,000 to $1mil; $1.75mil to $2.25mil, ElginChantrel, and 5 to 6 bedroom properties
Sellers Best Bet*: Seling homes in Pacific Douglas and up to 4 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*: $100,000 to $300,000 with average 23% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Buyers Best Bet*: Homes between $700,000 to $800,000, MorganCreek, PacificDouglas, and minimum 4bedroom properties
Sellers Best Bet*:Seling homes in Sunnyside Park and 2 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*: $300,000 to $400,000 with average 75% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Buyers Best Bet*: Homes between $900,000 to $1 mil, Campbel Valley, and minimum 7 bedroom properties
Sellers Best Bet*: Seling homes in Aldergrove, Fort Langley, Walnut Grove, and 3 to 4 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*: $400,000 to $500,000 with average 37% Sales Ratio (3.7 in 10 homes seling)
Buyers Best Bet*: Homes between $200,000 to $300,000, Langley City, Wiloughby Heights, and up to 1 bedroom properties
Sellers Best Bet*: Selling homes in Aldergrove, Fort Langley, and minimum 3 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*: $400,000 to $500,000 with average 60% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Buyers Best Bet*: Homes between $800,000 to $900,000, Cloverdale, and 5 to 6 bedroom properties (both Sellers market)
Sellers Best Bet*: Seling homes in Clayton and 3 to 4 bedroom properties
Most Active Price Band*: $200,000 to $300,000 with average 29% Sales Ratio (Sellers market)
Buyers BestBet*: Homes between $300,000 to $400,000, Cloverdale, and up to 1 bedroom properties
Selers BestBet*: Seling homes in Clayton and minimum 4 bedroom properties
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